

ACP News   November 27, 2012

Summary of October 30, 2012 ACP Board of Directors Conference Call

The ACP Board of Directors meeting is usually held prior to the Annual Session in the host city hotel but due to the severity of the east coast storm, the meeting was held via conference call on Tuesday, October 30, 2012. A significant amount of time was devoted to discussions concerning the weather and its effect on our meeting in Baltimore. Updated information on weather, airlines, ground transportation, vendors, sponsors and speaker feedback, and operational level of the Marriott Baltimore Waterfront were discussed in the context of what was best for our members.    

Based on the available information the BOD passed a motion to cancel Wednesday’s scheduled activities and start the meeting with the Welcome reception that evening. The Board approved recommendations by the Budget Deficit Working Group to reduce the 2013 budget deficit. 

Also discussed was how best to communicate the value of our 2012-2018 Strategic Plan (to improve patient care and outcomes, to further the specialty of prosthodontics, and to better serve ACP members) to our members and our corporate sponsors. Our plan specifies the means to define our role as prosthodontists to the dental profession and the public.


Dr. Lee M. Jameson

President, ACP Board of Directors


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