

ACPEF News   April 23, 2019

Teaching Our Students What Comes After Care: Pilot Program


An enduring oral care outcome demands a life-long partnership with the patient not only through the active phase of care but also post-therapy. Professional and at-home maintenance help achieve the goal of supporting systemic and oral health, improving the health of the supporting tissues, preventing disease processes such as caries and periodontitis, screening for head and neck cancer, and maintaining existing restorations.

Although Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) learning standards exist for dental education programs, these statements do not strictly necessitate schools to incorporate patient-customized, evidence-based recall and home maintenance programs that highlight the prevention of dental caries, periodontal supportive care, prosthesis maintenance, and patient education.

The ACPEF/Colgate project Taskforce has developed a competency-based curriculum framework for prevention, supportive care, and maintenance for implementation within recall programs.

At this time, we would like to identify 2 predoctoral and 1 advance education program in prosthodontics to pilot the proposed curricular framework. To assist the schools in the implementation and reporting back to the ACP, each test school will be eligible for $12,000 grant from the ACP Education Foundation.

If you are interested in becoming a pilot school for the ACP's Curriculum Model for Prevention and Supportive Care, please complete the brief electronic questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire will provide the Task Force with additional information that will aid in the selection of pilot schools.

Please click here to complete the questionnaire, no later than May 15, 2019.

If your institution is selected, the point person indicated in the questionnaire will be contacted with additional information regarding the pilot program.

If you have any questions, please contact Ellyn Shapiro.


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