

ACP News, Advocacy News  

Texas Court of Appeals Hearing Specialty Advertising Case

The ACP is working with other dental specialty groups to protect the recognition of specialists in dentistry. There is an appeal before the United States Court of Appeals against the recent ruling in Texas allowing dentists to advertise as "specialists" in fields not recognized by the ADA. With the aid of the American Association of Orthodontists, the Texas Association of Orthodontists has filed an Amicus Curiae ("Friend of the Court") brief to support the appeal and overturn the ruling.

ACP President Dr. Susan E. Brackett will be attending and encourages ACP members to attend the upcoming hearing of this case - AAID v Parker - which is scheduled at the U.S. Fifth Circuit Court on Tuesday, Nov. 1 at 9:00AM. The court is located at 600 Camp Street, Room 223, in New Orleans, LA 70130.

Read Amicus Curiae Brief

Dated Oct. 25, 2016


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