

ACP News   June 22, 2021

The 2021 Slate of Candidates

The ACP's Nominating Committee is pleased to present the slate of candidates for the College's 2021 election:

ACP Board of Directors
Vice President: Dr. John Ball & Dr. Douglas Benting
Region I (Northeast) Director: Dr. Alexander Bendayan & Dr. Louis DeSantis
Region III (Central) Director: Dr. Ahmed Kutkut & Dr. Lisa Lang
Region VI (Federal Services) Director: Dr. Ryan Sheridan

ACP Council for the American Board of Prosthodontics
Newly Boarded Representative: Dr. Arturo Blanco & Dr. Roberta Wright
Federal Services Representative: Dr. Wesley Shute

Members may submit additional nominees by petition until July 16. Those nominee(s) meeting the petition requirements of 100 signatures by eligible voting members are placed on the final slate and ballot.

The final slate of candidates will be published to membership on July 19 and voting will be open July 22 - August 12. Additional information is available on the ACP website, including ACP Election FAQs and petition information.

Visit ACP Governance to view the ACP Election FAQs, including the petition information. Please contact ACP Governance Director, Nathalie Williams if you have any questions regarding the information.

The 2021 Nominating Committee:
Dr. Stephen Hudis, Nominating Committee Chair
Dr. Lars Bouma
Dr. Van Ramos
Dr. Joseph DiFazio
Dr. Evanthia Anadioti
Dr. Damon Jenkins
Dr. Mark Andersen
Dr. Joon Han
Dr. Lisa Strauch


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