

Journal of Prosthodontics News  

The accuracy comparison of 3D-printed post and core using castable resin and castable wax resin


Now online in the Journal of Prosthodontics, an original research article co-authored by ACP members, Tarin Piangsuk, DDS, MS, FACP, Pantip Henprasert, DDS, MS, Piriya Boonsiriphant, DDS, and Terry J. Lindquist, DDS, MS, FACP.

Severely damaged endodontically treated teeth commonly require post to help retain core before crowns can be fabricated. This study aimed to compare the accuracy of 3D-printed post and core fabricated with two different materials: castable reinforced wax and castable resin. Castable wax resin was introduced as an alternative material for 3D printing because it does not require additional photopolymerization.

Fifteen extracted single root central incisors were selected and root canal treatment and tooth preparation for a crown were performed on all teeth. The post and cores were digitally designed and 3D printed with the two materials. Post and cores from both groups were then scanned for accuracy measurement.

Geomagic® Control X software was used to measure the volumetric differences in each post by importing the STL files. The STL files of the digitally designed post were used as a control to compare volume among different materials. The effect of post polymerization was also investigated using volumetric measurement of the castable resin group before and after complete polymerization. No significant difference was found.

3D printed post and core showed significant volume shrinkage compared to the digital files used to create them. However, the different materials had no effect on the accuracy of 3D printed post and core.

Piangsuk T, Henprasert P, Boonsiriphant P, Lindquist TJ. The accuracy comparison of 3D-printed post and core using castable resin and castable wax resin. J Prosthodont. 2022; 00: 00– 00. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopr.13594


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