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The ADA Issued a Statement Regarding Community Water Fluoridation


The American Dental Association (ADA) has issued a statement urging the public to continue drinking optimally fluoridated water to prevent tooth decay and dental disease. The message comes after a court ruling for the Environmental Protection Agency to further regulate the fluoridation of public water systems after claims that fluoridated water diminishes neurocognitive health. The ADA notes that there is no data that suggests the connection of the level of fluoride intake recommended for community water fluoridation to lower IQ levels.

Community water fluoridation has been hailed by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention as one of the 10 greatest public health achievements of the 20th century, and is one of the safest methods of reducing tooth decay in the population by at least 25%.

The ACP stands with the ADA in their commitment to the oral health benefits of optimally fluoridated water, and its importance in ensuring that every person has a healthy smile. For more information on community water fluoridation, visit ADA.org/fluoride.

ADA's statement: read here 

Information on the EPA Court Ruling from ADA: read here


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