

Journal of Prosthodontics News   March 2, 2021

The Influence of Age and Facial Expression On Maxillary Dental and Gingival Display


Now online in the Journal of Prosthodontics, a study from Drs. Avinash Bidra, Mitchell Persenaire, and Chia-Ling Kuo reporting on differences in maxillary dentogingival exposure between different facial expressions.

Digital photographs were taken of the lower third of the face of 120 subjects (80 women, 40 men), belonging to 6 different age groups. Two images of each subject were taken, one of maximum smile with eyes open, and the second of maximum smile with eyes closed. The images were then used to quantify a dentogingival exposure ratio (DER).

The results suggest that subject images of smiles with eyes closed had significantly higher dentogingival exposure. The authors conclude that as maxillary dentogingival exposure decreases with age, incorporating a patient's maximum smiling images with eyes closed may be necessary for complete and accurate data collection for prosthodontic treatment planning purposes.

Bidra AS, Persenaire M, Kuo C‐L. The Influence of Age and Facial Expression (Eye Open/Closed) On Maxillary Dental and Gingival Display. J Prosthodont 2021. https://doi.org/10.1111/jopr.13344


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