

ACP News, Advocacy News  

Update on CDT Codes

Each year the American Dental Association's Code Maintenance Committee meets to vote on proposed changes for the CDT Code Manual. Through your ACP membership, you are represented in these discussions.

Dr. Terry Kelly served as the ACP representative for the past three years, and Dr. Betsy Davis represented the College at the most recent meeting in March. Five representatives from the ADA serve on the committee along with one representative from each of the nine recognized dental specialty organizations, one from the Academy of General Dentistry, and one from third party payers, as well as one from the American Dental Education Association.

This year, working with the Insurance Committee, the College will initiate a discussion of "CDT codes for 'fixed prosthesis'" (i.e. is a code needed for each type of metal or is one code sufficient to cover them all). You are invited to share your concerns about any code with Dr. Davis. Submissions for consideration must be submitted by Nov. 1 in advance of the next meeting on March 14-15, 2019 at the ADA Headquarters.

Dated May 30, 2018


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