

ACP News, Journal of Prosthodontics News  

Upgraded Online Access to the Journal of Prosthodontics

new_JOP_siteYou may notice a different look to the Journal of Prosthodontics website -- it has been upgraded!

From the homepage, you can easily access the newest online articles, as well as the Journal's most-cited articles. In the next 4 to 6 weeks, there will be a third tab for the most-read articles. The articles in this tab will be based on live usage data, so some time is needed to first populate the information.

When viewing an individual article, the site offers easier navigation through sections of the article with just one click to access Results, Conclusions, and more, as well as one-click access to related articles. References may also be viewed side-by-side with the text of the article, with links included.

Check out the new Journal of Prosthodontics site and explore these and other new features for yourself!

Dated March 28, 2018


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