

Membership News   March 17, 2020

Use Your Photography Skills to Get Involved


Volunteers are at the heart of the ACP’s work! Do you have a passion for photography? There are plenty of opportunities to use your creative eye to volunteer with the ACP.

You can submit a photo for consideration for the cover of the ACP Messenger, discuss your photography tips in an article about great patient photos, organize a camera show and tell with members in your section to help them get started with dental photography, invite members from your art faculty to present a photography workshop to your prosthodontic residents - in person or virtually. 

You can also share your best photos with the Membership Communications Committee. Images are always needed for brochures and for the ACP consumer facing website GoToAPro.org.

Over the next several months we will highlight volunteer opportunities that utilize your unique talents and interests. Contact the ACP with any questions.


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