

Journal of Prosthodontics News   September 17, 2019

Virtual Issue on Prosthodontic Clinical Reports


The Journal of Prosthodontics’ sixth annual virtual issue, “Prosthodontic Clinical Reports: Challenging Cases, Novel Technology, Multidisciplinary Treatment,” is now online. The virtual issue compiles 12 clinical reports published in the Journal of Prosthodontics over the last two years.

The articles included in this virtual issue demonstrate the skill, ingenuity, and care prosthodontists provide their patients.They include reports of patients whose microstomia or severe gag reflex make treatment more difficult. One report details a 30-year follow-up so that the reader can see the long-term effects of decisions made over decades of treatment. Novel attachment systems and new materials are tried in some instances. Several of the reports make use of the latest in digital technology. 

The full-text articles in this virtual issue are available to anyone through the end of the year, so please share with your colleagues, referral network, or students.


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