Continuing Education News
January 16, 2019
WATCH: Transform Your Practice at the Digital Dentistry Symposium
What's new at this year's ACP Digital Dentistry Symposium -- and why does it matter for your practice?
"My vision is to help all the prosthodontists there figure out their best way to start making digital dentures," said Dr. Valerie McMillan, who will focus on how to create a workflow that matches your philosophy. She describes her presentation in this video.
With hands-on workshops and breakout sessions for new and experienced users, this symposium will transform your practice with two days of 3D printing, workflow integration, and more.
Review the brochure and register online for a meeting packed with practical insights and hands-on experience, Feb. 19-20 in Chicago. Some hands-on workshops have already begun to sell out, and others are filling up quickly!
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