

ACP Products News   August 15, 2018

Your Best Study Resource: ACP Board Study App

ACP-BoardPrepApp-MacAre you planning to take the board examination soon, or looking for a refresher on the contents of the exam? Interested in learning about the Section D exam?

Available for iOS and Android tablets and mobile devices, as well as Mac/Windows desktop and laptop computers and Surface tablets, the ACP Board Study App is designed to help you prepare for certification by the American Board of Prosthodontics -- but it's also a great resource beyond studying for the boards.

Included are detailed breakdowns of each stage of the exam, with valuable reference materials such as fact sheets, study guides, literature reviews, mock exams, and more. New patient presentations and narratives are added every year.

Buy access through the ACP website, and then complete your download from the App Store (iPhone/iPad), Mac App Store (macOS/OS X), Windows App Store (Win 8.1/10 and Surface), or Google Play (Android).


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